Our School

Elbow Valley Elementary School

We are a 500-student Kindergarten – Grade 4 school located in Springbank on the western edge of Calgary. We offer both English and French Immersion programs, with French Immersion comprising 34 per cent of our student population. Most of our students come from rural/acreage homes and are bused.

Elbow Valley Elementary is especially proud of our standards of Educational Excellence, our Character Education initiatives, our Fine Arts programs, our welcoming and inclusive staff, our bilingual and multi-cultural milieu and our community service.

We enjoy a strong, mutually supportive and positive relationship with our school council and the parents of our students. We are fortunate to have hundreds of volunteers working within our school throughout the year to help create positive learning experiences for our students. We also enjoy a sound business partnership with Calaway Park. Elbow Valley Elementary is a true, positive example of the teamwork that exists between home, community and school.


The mission of Elbow Valley Elementary, in partnership with the home and community, is to provide an environment that fosters positive self-esteem, respect, responsibility and develops skills needed to be lifelong learners.


Our vision is to have a healthy, balanced school community with every child experiencing success.

School Goals:

How Might We: Improve student literacy results in both English and French programming. 

  • School Goal: Through responsive teaching methods tailored to individual student needs, 90% of students will demonstrate measurable improvement in overall literacy skills, as assessed by the Groupe Beauchemin (GB+), Escalire (FI), and Fountas and Pinnell tools.

How Might We: Increase students' opportunities to learn and appreciate cultural diversity. 

  • School Goal: Through school initiatives, in class lessons, and grade specific activities, 90% of students will increase their involvement with topics related to global citizenship and cultural awareness.  

How Might We: Support and foster a sense of responsibility and belonging in an inclusive school environment.  

  • School Goal: By the end of the school year, the school will achieve 90% fidelity on the Tier 1 PBIS TFI and begin implementing Tier 2, by collecting and tracking office managed behaviour data.

To read our full School Education Plan please visit the attached LINK 

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.