Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

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Child Development Advisor

Child Development Advisor

The Child Development Advisor (CDA) supports students and staff at the school level. It addresses the full range of services provided as part of the Responsive Services and School-Community Support/Coordination components of the Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program model developed by Alberta Education. The program is a planned school-wide program that offers support and addresses issues in the following key domains:

  • social growth and development
  • personal growth and development
  • educational growth and development
  • community support/transition support

Planned activities focus on the acquisition of specific competencies by students to enhance both their social interaction and their academic achievement. These activities are administrated by the CDA through one-on-one sessions, small groups or whole class activities. The areas dealt with include self-esteem, friendship, social skills, anger management, cooperation, classroom survival, conflict resolution, respect and responsibility. Although emergent and individual crisis-oriented support is provided through the program, the focus is school-wide and preventative in nature.

The CDA is the primary individual who initiates the program development and implementation. Students are referred to the CDA by the classroom teacher, the school resource team, administration or by parents. Parents must sign consent forms before the CDA may work with the student. Referral forms and consent forms can be obtained from the CDA.

Specific components of the program at the school will include:

  • basic screening of student needs in the social, behavioural and emotional areas
  • support to school staff in recommending and implementing specific strategies that address identified need
  • support for school-wide initiatives that address developmental child and youth issues that are preventative in nature and scope
  • implementation of formalized support groups for targeted students
  • coordination of activities that enhance access to support from the program, and allow for referral to community-based support services
  • individual student support that promotes and strengthens social development and academic success
  • support and information for parents

Students may be referred in a number of different ways:

  1. The classroom teacher may feel there is a need for CDA involvement. The teacher will first meet with the CDA, discuss concerns and then contact the parent to request CDA involvement. A consent form will then be sent home.
  2. Parents can refer their child for CDA involvement by directly contacting the CDA or by talking to their children's classroom teacher.
  3. Parents can call  the CDA directly at the school or by e-mail.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.